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077. Why the Greatest Gift you can give someone is this...

Jul 07, 2022


Episode 77


Back when he was first getting successful, Tony Robbins started charging ONE MILLION dollars for personal consultations. 

His reason was surprising. It wasn’t for the money. 

It was because his goal was to help people improve their life, and his biggest problem was people not doing the necessary work after coming to see him. So if someone spends a million dollars, they’re sure as hell going to do the work. He says it kept his success rate at 100%.

Sounds crazy right?

Now, I'm not suggesting you need to charge US$1 MILLION, but what favours are you doing people when you continue giving them access to "free" stuff.

There is a time and place for free - building trust, authority, audience, branding, show people you are the real deal and know what you’re talking about.  Don't get me wrong, I give a lot of free stuff away - podcast, downloads, freebies etc etc…

BUT, then there is a time to exchange value for RANDS or $$$$...

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