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061: Why itโ€™s time to teach your brain a lesson!

Apr 01, 2021


Episode 61

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut, bored of the same old routines and you are tired of watching other people enjoy enormous success?

Deep inside you know you were meant for more, BUT, somehow, something, unknown to you keeps on holding you back! 

Something always prevents you from pulling the trigger, from getting the things that matter most, done.

What is it that other people tap into with little effort, yet you always feel like you are walking in treacle:

  • You can’t get your business off the ground
  • Your social media posts have little or no engagement
  • Nothing you have tried works
  • It’s costing you money and you fail to implement anything you start
  • You’ve resigned yourself to the fact that this “online thing” is meant for other people and not for you

Well, it shouldn’t be this way. It doesn’t have to be this way.

…because the answer may be closer than you think…

What was the trigger point that made you open this email? Can you recall what your brain was telling you or were you talking to your brain? What was going on in that mind of yours? Can you remember?

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