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059: The ONE NUMBER in your business that will change your life...

Mar 18, 2021


Episode 59

Over the last year I’ve had some extremely talented women reach out to me for help to take their businesses online.

Now most of them came to me with amazing “Zones of Geniuses” that they are eager to share with the world, but they are not sure how to do it.

Some of them have a traditional brick and mortar business and realised they have to go online, but they are really stuck on how to move forward…

Some of them have even tried to do this on their own but were just going round and round in circles, doing a bit of everything and not really getting anywhere.

Do you want to know why they were struggling?

It was because they didn’t have a clear goal or road map on what they wanted and where they were heading.

You know they always say…if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do…and seriously if you don’t have a plan and a road map on exactly what it is you want and even more importantly how you are going to get there…you are going to struggle.

So, after working with them, providing structure and getting clear on exactly what it was that they wanted out of their business and out of their lives, they started achieving the same big outcome we all strive for…

…and that outcome is what I believe is the #1 reason behind why we all end up starting a business in the first place…

And what might that be, you may ask?

Well it’s called FREEDOM!

Creating freedom is why you decided to get into business, right?

To be able to live your life on your own terms…

To be able to do what you love each and every day…

To take back control of your FINANCES

To live your passion every day…

To serve and help others…

To be able to live wherever you want…

To spend quality time with the people that really matter in your life….

Because at the end of the day we only have this one life…we only have one go at it…so we might as well go for it and live full out!

Now, I want you to know that your freedom…that life you are dreaming about all comes down to ONE NUMBER in your business…

A number that you should be putting all your energy and focus on until you reach it…

In this week’s episode of The LadyBoss Lounge podcast, I am sharing with you what this number is, AND I am going to show you how to reach it.

So, get comfy, because you might get a bit uncomfortable during this episode – ha ha.

PS. In this episode I talk about creating your first digital product…if you are ready to jump in and create your first digital product – an eBook - and want to peek over our shoulder on how to do it from beginning to end then head over to learn more


The LadyBoss Lounge Facebook Community

Come and join us in the LadyBoss Lounge Facebook community where we will continue the conversation of the week’s podcast and answer all your questions.

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