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010: The One Thing That Keeps Successful Women Focused

Mar 05, 2020


Episode 10

“Every second of every day you get a second chance to create a new life”

Why is it that some people succeed in life and succeed in business no matter what curve balls get thrown at them?

What is that ONE thing that keeps them going even when things get tough?

In today’s world, with social media, it is so easy to take things personally, to play the comparison game, to get so overwhelmed by everything that you end up putting it all in the “too hard basket” and often give up all together.

In this Episode...

We are going to chat about this ONE thing that keeps me focused.

I get quite personal sharing some of my life I’ve never really shared publicly before…with the hope that you will fight for what you want in life…to realise you deserve so much more (if that’s what you want) and that if you make the decision to draw a line in the sand, you truly can have it all.

Enjoy this episode… Click here to listen now! 

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