Episode 3
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” – Martin Luther King
I know if you have been involved in this industry for at least 12 months you have definitely come across that person that has asked you if you are involved in a pyramid scheme…it sure has happened to me quite a few times.
We are going to have a look at…
1. Is network marketing a pyramid scheme?
2. Why does it have such a bad reputation and what can we do to improve that?
3. Why is it such a great business model?
4. How does it compare to other business models?
By the end of this episode I want you to have the confidence and belief in this industry, so that the next time someone mentions the dreaded “pyramid” word you will know exactly how to respond! Once you realise the benefits of being in business FOR yourself but not BY yourself, you will understand how great this business model of network marketing is.
You are surrounded by people that want to help you…that want to see you
succeed…because your success is their success. It’s one of the only professions where we help and support each other rather than compete with each other.
Keep your head high, stand with posture because you are in one of the greatest professions of our time…you are a professional NETWORK MARKETER!
Don’t forget you can download the FACTS SHEET of this episode at
Enjoy this episode… Click here to listen now!
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