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005: Did you know your BFF can change your business?

Jan 30, 2020


Episode 5

"If you’re trying to sell everything to everyone, you end up selling nothing to no one!"

Take a minute to think of something that you know absolutely everybody likes. 

I know right…it’s not that easy…

You might say…holidays? 

Well, time off actually stresses some people out more than it relaxes them. 

What about…puppies? Some people are afraid of or allergic to dogs. 

OK I know…surely everyone loves chocolate!!!

As strange as it might seem, not everybody loves it. [Insert shock horror here]

It’s hard to think of something, isn’t it? People are different - we all like, want, and need different things. Our choices are motivated by our personal thoughts and preferences…and the emphasis here is on the word personal.

Your business works the same way.

 It’s not a “one size fits all” solution…we spoke about that in last week’s episode…There are certain people who will absolutely love your product or service and rave about it until the cows come home….while others simply won’t see the point or value in what you’re offering.

It’s for this very reason that it’s so important to identify your ideal customer…your bestie…that person that can’t wait to buy what you have to offer…

…and that’s exactly what we’re talking about today. 


In this Episode...

By the end of this episode you will know your ideal customer like the back of your hand…she is going to become your “bestie” your newest BFF. You are going to know everything about her but more importantly…you are going to know her “feelings”…what makes her happy…what makes her sad…what keeps her up at night…her values…her beliefs…all the things that are important to her! 

So grab a cuppa and come and join me as I introduce you to your new BFF!

Don’t forget you can download the worksheet I’ve created for you covering this episode at

Enjoy this episode… Click here to listen now! 

The LadyBoss Lounge Facebook Community

Come and join us in the LadyBoss Lounge Facebook community where we will continue the conversation of the week’s podcast and answer all your questions.

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